Good News- Three Rivers Regional Commission

Carroll County Industry Good News

Three Rivers Regional Commission

The Three Rivers Regional Commission has been very busy providing support to our communities during this pandemic. Workforce Development has distributed Chromebooks to the students lacking technology who are participating in educational programs along with internet support. We have also provided monthly stipends to support participants displaced and assist with childcare, travel, and meal costs.

The Area on Aging has been providing housing and resources to help individuals who have experienced homelessness. Supplies have been sent to clients and other members such as paper goods, food, assistive technology, incontinent supplies, and cleaning supplies. Aging has partnered with Transportation to deliver meals to our seniors and provide trips to essential appointments. Additionally, online activity classes are provided to the seniors since they are not traveling to the Senior Centers.

The Planning Department has conducted a survey of our local governments to gather an assessment of how they have handled the pandemic and to determine if there is some assistance that we could provide. Following the data review, we will work to assist them with any projects or needs they may have in their normal operations.


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