Continued - Daniel Jackson

COVID -19 Response - Daniel Jackson - President/CEO

The COVID -19 virus has undoubtedly changed our lives for this spring of 2020. Life was good in Carroll County, and we were on target for another outstanding year.  Our Chamber was experiencing frequent ribbon cuttings, record-breaking attendance at our events and industries talking about new facilities, jobs, and equipment.  Our volunteer board and committee and council members were hard at work.  Folks here were enjoying the good life that we all have come to love and enjoy.

And then, the virus hit us right here at home with reality and a challenge we have never, ever seen before. What was a problem in other parts of the world became a problem in other parts of the US that became a problem for other communities in Georgia that became a problem for us in Carroll County and West Georgia. And each day, the news and reports got worse.

We have learned new terms like “social distancing” and “shelter in place” that is so foreign to our usual way of life. We get up each day hoping for better news but seeing and hearing a painful reality of sickness, death, and loss. Each day we pray, please let this come to an end soon.

So what do we do? We honor and respect the advice of health care officials. We listen to our city and county leadership and do what they ask us to do. We do what we have to do to eliminate the spread of this virus. We listen, learn, and identify resources for survival and relief. And most importantly, we begin to make plans for recovery and rebuilding.

The challenge for us now is to prepare for a better day. A day when we begin to move about again, a day when we open the doors, turn on the lights, and flip the sign to open. As a chamber staff working with our board and others, we will make a plan, engage community leaders, and pursue the resources to get ourselves back up and running.  It may look different for a while, but we will be back because that is what we do.

In the meantime, Stay Healthy, Work Smart, and ThinkCarrollFirst. Together Carroll, Together We Stand.


  1. Well said. That Jackson boy can write as good as he talks, and that's pretty darn good.


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